Welcome to the HOPE platform!

HOPE stands for Hauptbibliothek Open Publishing Environment.

HOPE provides a platform to researchers of the University of Zurich for publishing Open Access journals. This service is offered by the University Library Zurich (UB) based on the infrastructure of the Zentrale Informatik. For management and publication of scientific journals, the open-source software Open Journal Systems (OJS) is used.

HOPE was set up with the support of swissuniversities’ program ‘Scientific information: Access, processing and safeguarding’. We are happy to share our knowhow with editorial boards wishing to flip their journals to Open Access.
For information, please see here.





{} altrelettere

Welcome on altrelettere, the Open Access Journal for Italian Literature and Gender Studies.

BOTHROS. Zürcher Hefte für Archäologie


{} Bothros

Bothros ist die Open Access Publikationsplattform für wissenschaftliche Beiträge aller archäologischer Teildisziplinen. Publiziert werden vorwiegend peer-reviewed Artikel und Beiträge zur Studentischen Archäologischen Forschungstagungen (SAFT)Bothros ist ein Projekt initiiert von Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen des Instituts für Archäologie und wird unterstützt von den Lehrstuhlinhaber:innen der archäologischen Studienfachrichtungen an der Universität Zürich.

Computational Communication Research

Computational Communication Research

{} Computational Communication Research
CCR is a peer-reviewed, open-access, community-owned journal founded from the ICA Computational Methods Division and published by Amsterdam University Press.  CCR publishes articles that further the understanding, development and application of computational methods in communication research.
Vorschaubild der Zeitschrift conexus


{} conexus

Publikationen der fortgeschrittenen Forschenden und Lehrenden der Universität Zürich

Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rother, Philosophisches Seminar, wolfgang.rother@philos.uzh.ch

Database of Variables for Content Analysis

DOCA - Database of Variables for Content Analysis

{} DOCA - Database of Variables for Content Analysis

DOCA is a database that presents and discusses content analytical constructs and their operationalizations.

ἐnergeiα - Online Journal for Linguistics. Language Philosophy and History of Linguistics



Energeia is an open-access online journal for linguistics and language philosophy published at the University of Zurich in collaboration with Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava (since 2024). It is issued annually (resuming publication from 2021 onwards), examining topics of general linguistics, language theory and language philosophy, with a particular consideration of Romance linguistics.

European Journal of Health Communication

European Journal of Health Communication

{} European Journal of Health Communication

The European Journal of Health Communication (EJHC) is a peer-reviewed open access journal for high-quality health communication research with relevance to Europe or specific European countries. It aims to represent the international character of health communication research given the cultural, political, economic, and academic diversity in Europe. 

Gesellschaft - Individuum - Sozialisation. Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsforschung

Society - the Individual - Socialisation: Journal for Research on Socialisation

{} Society - the Individual - Socialisation: Journal for Research on Socialisation

The journal “GISo” represents an independent and interdisciplinary forum of scientific debate regarding courses, conditions, and results of socialisation processes. It provides space for the presentation and discussion of theoretical and conceptual positions, empirical findings, and challenges pertaining research methods in this thematic field. The journal offers a platform for the publication of original scientific contributions from educational sciences, social sciences, psychology, and history.

Hermeneutische Blätter

Hermeneutische Blätter

{} Hermeneutische Blätter

Zeitschrift des Instituts für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie der Universität Zürich.
Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zu hermeneutischen, religionsphilosophischen und theologischen Themen.

Journal for Global Negotiation

Journal for Global Negotiation

{} Journal for Global Negotiation

Our platform aims to highlight outstanding work by academics at all stages of their career, and share practitioners’ real-world negotiation insights.

Journal für Psychoanalyse

Journal für Psychoanalyse

{} Journal für Psychoanalyse

Das Journal für Psychoanalyse wird vom Psychoanalytischen Seminar Zürich (PSZ) herausgegeben.

Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media

Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media

{} Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media

The journal publishes quantitative descriptive social science. It does not publish research that makes causal claims. The journal focuses on evidence that speaks to substantive questions about digital communication processes and media. 

LEOH - Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health

LEOH - Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health

{} LEOH - Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health

The Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health (LEOH) is an online, peer-reviewed, open access academic journal launched in 2023 by the Center for Animal Law and Ethics (CALE) at the Faculty of Law, University of Zurich, Switzerland. The main objective of the LEOH is to provide a forum for the discussion of legal and ethical issues relating to animals as well as the One Health approach and its implications for the law and the ethical realm. Furthermore, the Journal aims to provide a platform in which to explore pivotal case law and legislation that relates to or has an impact on animals.

Geometrische Kreisformen


{} rechtstexte

Die Zeitschrift "rechtstexte" dient der Veröffentlichung von Texten zu allen Gebieten des Rechts (zum Konzept).

SComS | Studies in Communication Sciences | An Open Access Journal

Studies in Communication Sciences

{} Studies in Communication Sciences

SComS is an international journal of communication research that is jointly edited by the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Studies (SGKM) and the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI Lugano).

Die juristische Open-Access-Zeitschrift.

sui generis

{} sui generis

Die juristische Open-Access-Zeitschrift.


SWISS DENTAL JOURNAL SSO – Science and Clinical Topics

{} SWISS DENTAL JOURNAL SSO – Science and Clinical Topics

Swiss Dental Journal SSO – Science and Clinical Topics is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, independent open access journal. The Swiss Dental Journal SSO promotes the advancement of clinical dental practice and oral health policy in Switzerland and Europe, with the goal of improving oral health outcomes for all people regionally, via innovative research work and inspiring clinical cases.



{} Werkstücke

How do people live, work, and find leisure in their everyday lives? How do they interact with their natural and social environment, and what are their perceptions regarding these aspects?

Thumbnail der Zeitschrift in Rautenform.

Zeitschriften des Rechts

{} Zeitschriften des Rechts

In den "Zeitschriften des Rechts" sollen aktuell als besonders lesenswert beurteilte rechtswissenschaftliche Schriften an einem Ort zusammengeführt werden (zum Konzept).



{} Zwingliana

Zwingliana is published by the Institute for Swiss Reformation Studies (Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion, University of Zurich) as yearbook of the Zwingli Society («Zwingliverein»). The journal publishes scholarly articles on the history of Protestantism in Switzerland and its influence. 

Institute for Swiss Reformation Studies
Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religion