Médias d’actualité, journalistes et publics sur Twitter : vers un renouvellement des relations ? Résumé de la thèse de doctorat


  • Florence Van Hove University of Fribourg, Department of Communication and Media Research DCM




social media, Twitter, journalism, journalistic practices, audiences, content analysis


This thesis focuses on the question of the renewal of relations between media actors and audiences in the context of the digital transformation of journalism and the advent of social media. It is based on a qualitative and a quantitative content analysis of tweets related to twelve francophone news threads in 2011 and 2016. The results mainly show a gap between uniform and unidirectional uses of Twitter by media actors and the diversified, personal and interactive uses of news on Twitter by audiences. Findings suggest the persistence of long-standing trends in the relations between media actors and audiences – which remain asymmetrical (and tend to become stronger in this sense) despite the possibilities of social interactions offered by the microblogging tool Twitter – and a “resistance” by media actors, especially journalists, to change institutionalized journalistic practices.




How to Cite

Van Hove, F. (2020). Médias d’actualité, journalistes et publics sur Twitter : vers un renouvellement des relations ? Résumé de la thèse de doctorat. Studies in Communication Sciences, 20(2), 257–263. https://doi.org/10.24434/j.scoms.2020.02.008